TV Stations and Change – The Reality My job as Technical Support Engineer at the AberFast Division of Aberdeen Broadcast Services is…
TV Stations and Change – The Reality My job as Technical Support Engineer at the AberFast Division of Aberdeen Broadcast Services is…
My grandfather is a soft-spoken former Marine and my father has carried on the tradition of both soft-spoken tendencies as…
On June 5, 2012, the National Association of the Deaf testified before the US Copyright Office. They argued that closed…
Unlimi-Tech Software is the creator of FileCatalyst, the world’s leading file transfer solution. Aberdeen has selected FileCatalyst in order to…
Are you familiar with IP-delivered programming? This includes all videos that are distributed via the Internet (where you watch the…
Though we are stuck in one location with one official language in one country, it doesn't mean the videos that…
How many ways are there to translate a word from one language to another? Sometimes it’s as simple as translating…
In the genre of surreal cartoon humor there seems to be some debate over the creation and upkeep of closed…
My whole life I’ve had an affinity for the English language (and alliteration). Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation have always…
Homophones are words that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning and can be a daily nuisance to closed…