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Breaking through geographical and language barriers

We believe in connecting and sharing ideas no matter who you are or where you are from. We believe in thinking beyond our current reach, starting in our community and then branching out to every nation.

All Hands In

Turning your words into theirs

AberLingo exists to unite people, ideas, products, and communities. The world is becoming smaller and smaller, but it's still so complex – we walk a different walk and speak a different talk so to speak (try translating that into Swahili). Our goal is not to try to fit everyone into our own little box, but rather to understand that we need to unite and embrace our differences at the same time.

It is a challenging task to take one person's words and make them speak to another person in the same way. To accomplish this, we need a large team, our "hands" as we like to call them. Our "hands" are linguists, translators, interpreters, voice actors, subtitlers, editors, proofreaders, designers, project managers, and much more, who all have the same goal in mind: to turn your words into the world's words.

What We Do

AberLingo offers translation services, multi-language subtitling services, and voice dubbing services for all forms of media. We take your stuff and make other people from different cultures and who speak other languages, understand your stuff and hopefully buy into it, whether that be a product you are selling, a film you are pitching, or seminar you're teaching.

Use Cases & Details

Case Study: 1 DVD, 22 Subtitled Languages & 8 Voice Dubbed Languages

Aberdeen successfully translated, subtitled, and provided DVD authoring for the documentary God of Wonders, produced by Eternal Productions.

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Why AberLingo?

We only choose the best of the best to join our team. Period. But what's even more, is that when working with AberLingo you can expect excellent service from a team that will stay home on a Saturday night to ensure your project gets completed on time. Additionally, we are techies at AberLingo – rare for "language" people.
We have a team of video and IT engineers backing us on every project – we are a full-fledged video services company with support for every situation. Translators translate, engineers troubleshoot, project managers organize, and we all work together to make sure your project is hassle-free and just works. You won't have to worry about anything once you hand your project over. We just do it and we do it right every time.

At AberLingo, the world is our playground and it can be yours too.

"The procedures at Aberdeen assure me that my language services on our projects can be quickly and capably completed. It's been a pleasure to grow with them and we look forward to future collaborations with their team."
Riley Hinrichs
Suite Spot 
Let’s get started with a customized quote tailored for your translation, subtitling, or voice dubbing needs.