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The Benefits of Closed Captioning for Diverse Learners

Closed captioning serves as a powerful tool that extends its impact far beyond aiding the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. Its…

The Benefits of Closed Captioning for Creating Engaging and Accessible Videos

Been tasked with figuring out how to implement closed captions in your video library? The process can be overwhelming at…

Video Conferencing Caption Quality Addressed in the Latest CVAA Report

On October 11, 2022, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released the latest CVAA biennial report to Congress, evaluating the current…

Decoding Captions: Understanding the Differences between Open and Closed Captions

Open captions and closed captions are both used to provide text-based representations of spoken dialogue or audio content in videos,…

Accuracy of Human-generated Captions vs. Adobe Speech-to-text

In the July ‘21 release of Premiere Pro, Adobe introduced its artificial intelligence (AI) powered speech-to-text engine to help creators…

Debunking Closed Captioning Myths

Closed captioning is an essential aspect of modern media consumption, bridging the gap of accessibility and inclusivity for diverse audiences.…

Bad Captions are Polluting Video Libraries

In the history of our planet, littering is a relatively new problem. It was around the 1950s when manufacturers began…

Using Captioning to Reach Your Full Audience

This article was our contribution to the Fall 2020 edition of ChurchLeaders MinistryTech magazine. Technological advancements have made preaching…

Webinar Replay: Captioning Virtual Meetings & Events

**Update: July 29, 2020** Changes have been made to the integration methods on WebEX, YouTube, and The Church Online platforms…

Captioning Errors: Internet's Accessibility Struggle

There’s a growing trend on social media and sites like Reddit and Quora to showcase captioning errors from television and…

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