Now Offering Accurate and Affordable AI-powered Captioning & Transcription




AberFast Lite

AberFast Lite is designed to provide an alternative to satellite delivery for clients sending a single version program to 40+ TV stations. As the name indicates, this is a LITE version of our full-service AberFast Station Delivery but with no sacrifice to the overall quality of the final program.

The Overall Process

  1. Client uploads source file to Aberdeen
  2. Aberdeen creates closed captions, if required
  3. Aberdeen transcodes the video into 5 predominant broadcast file formats
  4. Aberdeen delivers the files to TV stations based on the preferred file format chosen by each station
  5. TV stations will receive a delivery email notification including program details with a link to Aberdeen’s AberFast Station Portal where the file can be downloaded as needed. An additional option of a download link, sent via email, is to be made available as needed.
  6. The client receives an email notification once all files have been delivered

Setting up AberFast Lite

For Programmers it’s a simple 2-step process – just provide us a list of your airing stations and upload your source file.

For TV Stations it’s a simple 3 step process...

Step 1: Choose a preferred file type

We are providing 6 HD media spec files (2-minute video clips) for you to choose from. All AberFast Lite files have closed captions embedded, color bars & tone, and slate. Please download and test the files from the list below and choose the best option for your station. We'll ask you to confirm your choice during the scheduled setup in Step 2.

1080i@29.97 fps
35 Mbps
Audio PCM 24-bit 2-channel
Full File Specs: PDF
Download Link (503 MB): XDCAM 35

1080i@29.97 fps
50 Mbps
Audio PCM 24 Bit 2-channel
Full File Specs: PDF
Download Link (848 MB): XDCAM 50

OP1a MXF 18
1080i@29.97 fps
18 Mbps
Audio PCM 24-bit 2-channel
AFD 10
Full File Specs: PDF
Download Link (438 MB): OP1a MXF 18

1080i@29.97 fps
35 Mbps
Audio 48 kHz 256 Kbps 2-channel
Full File Specs: PDF
Download Link (577 MB): MPEG-PS 35

1080i@29.97 fps
35 Mbps
Audio 48 kHz 256 Kbps 2-channel
Full File Specs: PDF
Download Link (578 MB): MPEG-TS 35

LXF 35
1080i@29.97 fps
35 Mbps
Audio 48 kHz 256 Kbps 2-channel
Full File Specs: PDF
Download Link (610 MB): LXF 35

Step 2: Schedule time with Aberdeen to install delivery software

If you currently receive files from Aberdeen via our File Catalyst app then please schedule a time above to confirm file specs, workflow, and setup station portal access. You may skip Step #2.

Aberdeen will install a lightweight enterprise-grade delivery software on any PC, Mac, or Server - it does not need to be a server dedicated to AberFast Lite only. This allows files to be delivered automatically and has controls to set bandwidth limitations and delivery times.

Minimumum requirements:

  • A reliable machine that will remain “Always On”
  • Multi-core x64 CPU
  • 8GB of RAM recommended
  • OS: Windows Server 2012 r2+, Windows 10, macOS 10.14 or higher, Linux (Kernel version 4.5 or higher)
  • HDD or SSD with 1GB of install space for software
  • HDD/SSD or fast network storage with sufficient IO capability for data transfer

An Aberdeen Tech will remote in with your assistance using TeamViewer or your preferred screen share software to download and install the File Catalyst software. It will take approximately 15 minutes to add all the necessary protocols in the File Catalyst application and test the transfer.

Please have your IT Department set firewall permissions to allow TCP and UDP transfers as follows:

  • port 21 TCP and UDP in and out
  • port 12500 – no transfers occur here. This is for remote monitoring.
  • – API to track progress on file delivery
When you’re ready to install the File Catalyst software, please book time on our calendar:

Step 3: Setup and log in to the AberFast Station Portal

Provide names and emails of individuals you would like to have access to your private AberFast Station Portal. The portal will allow you to view proxies of delivered files along with, if necessary, access to download the full-length hi-res file for broadcast.

“Aberdeen’s Digital File Delivery comes in at the proper length, no editing involved and it can be copied right to our play server from a shared drive. Their workflow is efficient and effortless and the video quality is outstanding.”
Station Engineer – Christian Television Network (CTN)
Let’s get started with a customized quote tailored for your captioning needs.