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FCC Roundtable: Closed Captioning PEG Programming

On November 10, 2015, the FCC held a roundtable event concentrating on the accessibility of public, educational, and government (PEG)…

Resource: Filing Captioning Complaints with Video Program Distributors

Although the FCC has recently improved its Help Center with a more simplified look and improved user experience, this is…

Closed Captioning of Internet Video Clips

In September of 2012, the FCC announced the obligation for closed captioning on all full-length Internet video programming that was…

Department of Transportation Orders Closed Captioning in Airports

In September of 2011, the U.S. Department of Transportation issued a notice of proposed rule making in Docket OST 2011-0182 titled,…

FCC Tasks Editors: Create Space for Caption Placement

Due to the updated FCC guidelines and standards regarding the quality of captioning, video editors face challenges when it comes…

Guest Blog: Live Closed Captioning for Church Online

The following blog was written by one of our clients, Simon Roberts, from Rock Church San Diego. Since the Rock…

We love L.A.! …and the Feeling is Mutual

Aberdeen Broadcast Services is honored to confidently proclaim that we have secured our position as a trusted and reliable vendor…

Aberdeen at the NAB Show 2015

Audible exhales could be heard throughout the nearly 1 million square feet of exhibit space as the final closing announcement…

Closed Captioning in the College Classroom

Advances in technology have shaped and changed modern-day college coursework. Prestigious universities like Harvard and M.I.T. offer numerous educational materials…

How to File a Consumer Complaint Regarding Closed Captioning

What happens if you are watching your favorite program and the closed captioning drops halfway through or the timing is…

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