Now Offering Accurate and Affordable AI-powered Captioning & Transcription




Success Story: Woodlands Church's Live Captioning Response

We are constantly reminded of the difference that live captioning services can make for a ministry.

Take a quick listen (under a minute!) as our Matt Cook, Aberdeen President, talks about Woodland’s success with live captioning.

After working with Woodlands Church for many years on the post-produced closed captioning and AberFast Station Delivery of the Kerry Shook program, it was just a few years ago that they decided to give our live captioning services a try. Before long, they discovered all of the positive ways live captioning supports their events and services — and, most importantly, makes them more accessible to church embers.

Woodlands Church has used Aberdeen live captioning services since 2018. The audience engagement and measurable growth have been so positive that we've added captioning to an additional service.”

Vince W. - Online Campus Pastor – Woodlands Church