Have you ever wondered how live captioners caption Christian programming? Biblical and Christian terms used during a sermon or teaching do not come easy to the common captioner.

Captioners writing for Christian programming are required to specialize in this area of captioning.  Not just any experienced live captioner can accurately write a church sermon.  Captioners must add each and every word that is spoken to their dictionary prior to writing the show.  To build a large Christian dictionary may take years and endless hours of practice.  It doesn't just take time and practice, it also takes a captioner who understands the Bible and Christian terminology.  If not, [speaking in tongues] could get captioned as [speaking in a foreign language].  So, if you are a Christian broadcaster that is getting your show captioned, ask about the captioner who writes it.  Do they have a comprehensive Christian dictionary?  Watch the captions and see if the words that matter most to you are captioned properly.Read